Масштаб: 1/18
Carmodel code: CAR106867
Manufacturer code: OT678
Материал: смола
Year: 1989
EAN: 9580010204311
Аннотации: LIMITED 2000 ITEMS

Availability: not available
С учётом НДС 84.95
Exchange rate: *

In the two-liter sector, thanks to the success of the 900, Saab, the first "family turbo" (as it was defined by specialized magazines) aroused the interest of the public and other manufacturers, especially European, in a now crowded market sector. Just to keep up with the competitors, the 900 underwent continuous updates. A particularly interesting model was the one equipped with the 155 horsepower engine, ten more than the previous version thanks to the adoption of the intercooler.

By David Tarallo

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